
  • G. D. Sukmanska Pirogov Vinnytsya National Medical University




stomatitis, opportunistic bacteria, yeast-like fungi


SUMMARY. Aphthous stomatitis is the most common pathology of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is its most frequent variant. The microbial factor plays an important role in the development of stomatitis.

The aim – to study of the features of the microbiome of the oral mucosa of patients with aphthous stomatitis.

Material and Methods. The paper presents the results of studies of the species and quantitative composition of the microflora of the oral mucosa of 101 patients with aphthous stomatitis. The researched material was sown by the semi-quantitative cup method on Columbia agar with 5 % lamb blood and Saburo agar with dextrose (GRASO biotech, Poland). The composition of the microflora of the contents of aphthae was studied in comparison with intact areas of the mucous membrane.

Results. It was established that the microbial load of eroded areas of the mucous membrane is statistically significantly higher than that of intact areas. The colonization density of the bottom of the aphthae was approximately 2 lg CFU/ml higher than that of intact loci. Representatives of the genera Streptococcus and Neisseria were isolated from all the studied subjects. In 34.7 % of the examined patients, in addition to the two groups of symbiotic microorganisms in the oral cavity that are dominant in the contents of aphthae, conditionally pathogenic bacteria were found. Studies of the species composition of the microbiota of the bottom of the aphthae did not allow establishing any signs of the specificity of the microbial lesion.

Conclusions. The development of aphthous stomatitis is accompanied by changes in the microbiocenosis of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which are manifested, first of all, in an increase in the density of colonization of the affected loci by autochthonous microflora. Violations of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microbiome are most pronounced in cases of chronic recurrent course of the disease. In about a third of cases, opportunistic pathogens are involved in the damage of the mucous membrane, among which yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are of primary importance.


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How to Cite

Sukmanska, G. D. (2023). MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE ORAL CAVITY OF PATIENTS WITH APHTHOUS STOMATITIS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 160–164. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2023.v.i3.14086



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