
  • N. O. Gevkaliuk Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • M. Ya. Pynda Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine




children, dental examination, stress factors, anxiety, fear, psychotherapeutic measures, correctional psychology


SUMMARY. Dental treatment in young children is not only a set of specific manipulations, but also a psychological problem.

The aim – to evaluate the indicators of the medical and psychological status of children at a dental appointment from the standpoint of children's resistance to stress, to identify psychological characteristics of the individual to justify the feasibility of psychotherapeutic measures.

Material and Methods. An examination of 83 children aged 6–9 years, who were being treated in the department of pediatric dentistry, was carried out. Medical and psychological examination of children was carried out according to the methods of Ch.D. Spielberger (estimation of indicators of reactive anxiety – RA), the level of personal anxiety (PA) and the state of emotional lability – H. Eysenka (children's version).

Results. It was found that 9-year-old children had lower RA and PA levels than 6-year-old children, but these differences were not significant. In 6-year-old children, the PA index corresponded to a high level (45 or more points) and correlated with the duration of the disease (r=0.388; r<0.05). The analysis of the test-questionnaire by H. Eysenka showed the most advanced psychological type of personality – introverted. Manifestations of extra-introversion in the treatment of chronic complicated caries depended on the duration of the pathological process and the frequency of exacerbations (r=-0.422; r<0.05), which increases this indicator of stress-induced. As a result of psychocorrective measures, the number of children whose PA index was characterized as high decreased by 10.8 % due to an increase in the percentage of children with an average and low level of this indicator. Manifestations of emotional lability in the process of psychotherapeutic techniques decreased and reached the level of children's health (12.43±0.92).

Conclusions. Psychotherapeutic measures taking into account the psychophysiological reactions of young patients can significantly improve the quality of dental treatment.


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How to Cite

Gevkaliuk, N. O., & Pynda, M. Y. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF PERFORMING PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC MEASURES IN PATIENTS IN OUTPATIENT CHILDREN’S DENTISTRY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 74–80. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2023.v.i3.14077



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