
  • S. N. Vadzyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. V. Sas I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



anxiety, depression, military, stress resistance


SUMMARY. The resistance of military personnel to stress is a professionally significant characteristic on which the effectiveness of their activities depends. Assessment and formation of stress resistance are among the priority tasks of supporting the activities of military personnel, therefore the study of stress resistance and adaptive abilities is extremely relevant both in the world as a whole and in Ukraine [1]. Stress resistance is a personality quality, the individual aspects of which are stability, balance, resistance. It allows the individual to withstand various difficulties, adverse pressure of circumstances, to maintain well-being and work capacity in various trials [2]. Stress resistance characterizes the degree of a person's ability to cope with a conflict situation, maintaining internal balance, without reducing the success of professional activity. A high level of stress resistance ensures the performance of professional duties in normal, difficult and extreme conditions, preservation of work capacity and health after resolving a difficult situation [3].

Depression is a disturbance of the emotional sphere, the main manifestation of which is a persistent decrease and suppression of mood, accompanied by a decline in the general level of activity [4].

Behavioral manifestations of anxiety consist in the general disorganization of activity, which disrupts its orientation and productivity. Usually, increased anxiety occurs in healthy military personnel who experience the consequences of a long-term psychotraumatic situation [5].

The aim – to assess the state of depression and anxiety in military personnel with different stress resistance.

637 servicemen who returned from the combat zone during the full-scale invasion were tested. We determined stress resistance using the test method "Stresses and stress resistance". To determine the level of depression, we used the Patient Health Questionnaire - PHQ-2 and PHQ-9. In order to determine the level of anxiety and depression, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used.

The dependence of depression and anxiety on stress resistance in military personnel was established. Based on the obtained results, we can talk about the positive dynamics of reducing the level of depression and anxiety in people with different stress resistance, but in people with good stress resistance, its recovery was faster and better, compared to military personnel with average stress resistance. In subjects with good stress resistance, immediately after returning from the front, the level of depression according to the PHQ-9 method was (5.01±0.34) points, after a month – (3.20± 0.29) points, and after three months – (1 .66±0.22) points. In persons with average stress resistance, immediately after returning from the front, the level of depression according to the same method was (15.70±0.56) points, after a month – (13.45±0.54) points, and after three months – (11.33±0.53) points. According to the HADS method, the level of depression in subjects with good stress resistance immediately after returning from the front was (3.89±0.21) points, after a month – (2.34±0.18) points, and after three months – (0.94±0.13) points. In persons with average stress resistance, immediately after returning from the front, the level of depression according to the same method was (9.08±0.32) points, after a month – (7.65±0.31) points, and after three months – (6, 02±0.30) points.

According to the HADS method, the level of anxiety in subjects with good stress resistance immediately after returning from the front was (4.73±0.19) points, after a month – (2.89±0.19) points, and after three months – (1.18± 0.13) points. In persons with average stress resistance, immediately after returning from the front, the level of anxiety according to the same method was (9.41±0.38) points, after a month – (7.92±0.35) points, and after three months – (6.29±0.33) points.

The study of this problem will make it possible to predict the individual recovery of health and professional success in conditions of increased stress factors, to outline the ways of adaptation and rehabilitation of anxiety and depression of military personnel in these conditions.

Conclusions. In servicemen with good stress resistance, absent and mild subclinical depression predominated a week after returning from combat, and with average stress resistance, depression of moderate and moderate severity prevailed. 3 months after returning from combat, among servicemen with good stress resistance, the number of people with no depression increased by 57 %, and the number of people with mild depression decreased by 40 %. During this time, the level of mild (by 253 %) and moderate (by 114 %) depression increased among servicemen with average stress resistance, and the level of moderate severity decreased to about 33 %.

In servicemen with good stress resistance, absent and mild subclinical depression predominated a week after returning from combat, and with average stress resistance, depression of moderate and moderate severity prevailed. 3 months after returning from combat, among servicemen with good stress resistance, the number of people with no depression increased by 57 %, and the number of people with mild depression decreased by 40 %. During this time, the level of mild (by 253 %) and moderate (by 114 %) depression increased among servicemen with average stress resistance, and the level of moderate severity decreased to about 33 %.


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How to Cite

Vadzyuk, S. N., & Sas, V. V. (2023). STATE OF DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY IN THE MILITARY WITH DIFFERENT STRESS RESISTANCE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 46–55.



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