
  • S. N. Vadzyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • I. H. Bijura I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




psychoemotional state, anxiety, well-being, activity, mood, heat sensitivity, teenagers


SUMMARY. Adolescence is often accompanied by states of emotional discomfort – anxiety, fear, feeling of loneliness, isolation. Anxiety negatively affects not only a person's emotional well-being, but also further disrupts the functional capabilities of the psyche, inhibiting its development as an individual. So-called "chronic anxieties" mostly turn into pathopsychological disorders, and a significant number of anxious children have health problems.

As you know, the temperature of the environment has a significant effect on the body. Good health and high performance depend on the temperature difference. Abnormal and rapid changes in temperature can negatively affect all people. Weather-sensitive people, those with chronic diseases, the disabled, the elderly, and residents of large cities react the most to environmental changes.

The aim – to determine the state of anxiety, well-being, activity and mood in adolescents with different heat sensitivity.

160 adolescents were tested, who were previously divided into two groups – with high and low heat sensitivity –based on the questionnaire "Levels of heat sensitivity" (author's certificate No. 115529 dated November 1, 2022) and a heat test. Anxiety (personal and situational) was examined using the Spielberger-Hanin anxiety scale (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory – STAI). We determined well-being, activity and mood using the test method of self-assessment of functional state "SAN" (V.A. Doskina and others).

A lower level of situational and personal anxiety, as well as better well-being, activity and mood were established in people with low heat sensitivity, compared to high.

The dependence of well-being, activity and mood on the level of anxiety in people with different heat sensitivity was revealed.

The study will make it possible to predict the restoration of health and professional success in conditions of increased stress factors, to outline the ways of adaptation of persons with high heat sensitivity.

Conclusions. Decreased well-being, activity, and mood are observed in individuals with high heat sensitivity compared to adolescents with low heat sensitivity. So, the level of well-being of people with low heat sensitivity was 4.91±0.13 points, and with high heat sensitivity – 3.75±0.30 points, activity level – 4.88±0.14 and 3.78±0.26, respectively points and mood – 5.08±0.13 and 4.23±0.28 points. A higher level of situational and personal anxiety was observed in individuals with high heat sensitivity compared to adolescents with low heat sensitivity. Thus, the level of situational anxiety in persons with low heat sensitivity was 33.65±1.28 points, and with high sensitivity – 44.77±2.68 points, personal anxiety – 33.75±1.33 and 46.30±2.29 points respectively.

The dependence of well-being, activity and mood on the level of anxiety in people with different heat sensitivity has been established.


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How to Cite

Vadzyuk, S. N., & Bijura, I. H. (2023). FEATURES OF THE PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL STATE IN ADOLESCENTS WITH DIFFERENT HEAT SENSITIVITY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 38–45. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2023.v.i3.14073



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