



microbiocenosis, eczema, clinical forms, microbiologic test


SUMMARY. Among allergic illnesses of the skin eczema is the most widespread alergodermatosis with the tendency for a chronic course with the depletion efficiency of patients. It is seen as one of the most relevant health problems in modern dermatology. In the structure of skin pathologies of different regions, eczema makes out between 15 to 20 %, and among hospitalized patients – 20–40 %, and there is a tendency for elevation for both pediatric and adult able patients.

The aim – to study the specifics of the microbiocenosis of the skin in patients with eczema with various clinical courses of eczema and to determine its role in the development of dermatosis.

Material and Methods. A total of 103 patients with eczema (62 male and 41 female) between the ages of 20 and 39 years old were monitored. 14 of them were diagnosed with dyshidrotic form of eczema, 15 – with discoid form, 36 – with true and 38 with microbial eczema. The material for bacteriologic tests was gathered using the imprint method with further microbiologic identification of microorganismі.

Results. A double infection of focal points with obligatory presence of S. aureus and episodic presence of Micrococcus, Bacillus, Sarcina and E. coli in the microbial associations was observed in patients with dyshidrotic and discoid eczema. True and microbial forms of eczema are prone to a more varied nature of microbial association agents, meaning a development of polyinfection and the increase in the proportional amount of E. coli and other microorganisms.

Furthermore, the eczematoid process, independent of the clinical course of dermatosis, is prone to an elevated growth of S. aureus, Str. Рyogenes, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus, Sarcina, E. coli and other microorganisms. This microbiologic data should be considered when chousing a treatment plan.

Conclusions. 1. A double infection of focal points with obligatory presence of S. aureus and episodic presence of other microorganisms (Micrococcus, Bacillus, Sarcina) and the appearance of E. coli in the microbial picture was observed in patients with dyshidrotic and discoid eczema.

  1. In true and microbial eczema was prone to a varied specter of microbial associations in the form of the development of polyinfection and the increase in the proportional amount of E. coli and “other microorganisms”.
  2. Results of microbiologic test should be considered when choosing an adequate treatment plan for eczema patients.


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How to Cite

Chubirko, K. I. (2024). MICROBIOCENOSIS OF THE SKIN IN PATIENTS WITH ECZEMA. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 176–180. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2024.v.i1.14068



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