


eczema, neutrophils, monocytes, a – НАЕ, Н-АS-АЕ, Н-АS-D-XАЕ


SUMMARY. At this point in time eczema is viewed as a chronically-relapsing dermatosis of unknown etiology and a multifactorial pathogenesis, which is characterized by polymorphism of clinical manifestations, itchiness and oozing. Research aimed at metabolic activity of white blood cells of peripheric blood, specifically the esterase potential of neutrophils and monocytes, remains the most highlighted.

The aim – to research the activity of non-specific esterase of neutrophils and monocytes of the peripheral blood of patients with eczema depending on the clinical manifestation of dermatosis.

Material and Methods. 53 patients with eczema were monitored. True eczema was diagnosed in 16 of them, 19 were diagnosed with bacterial type, and 18 – mycotic type was diagnosed. We detected a – НАЕ and Н-АS-АЕ levels in monocytes and Н-АS-АЕ and Н-АS-D-XАЕ in neutrophils of the peripheral blood.

 Results. It was concluded that patients with eczema had decreased activity of НАЕ and Н-АS-АЕ in monocytes and Н-АS-АЕ and Н-АS-D-XАЕ in neutrophils of peripheral blood, regardless of the clinical manifestation of eczema. It was also concluded that there is a substantial relationship between the esterase activity of neutrophils and monocytes, which varies from r5=+0,62 to r1=+0,84. This indicates that the metabolic activity of leucocytes contributes to the development process of eczema.

Conclusions. 1. A decrease in metabolic activity of leucocytes of peripheral blood in the form of regardless of the clinical manifestation of dermatosis, in the form of a lowered esterase potential of neutrophils and monocytes, is seen in patients with eczema, regardless of the clinical manifestation of dermatosis.

  1. In patients with eczema there is a substantial relationship between esterase activity of blood cells, which, depending on the clinical form of dermatosis and the expressiveness of the inflammation, varies from r5=+0,62 to r1=+0,84.
  2. Medications that have metabolic activity should be added to the base therapy for patients with eczema.


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How to Cite

Mykhalko, Y. O. (2024). METABOLIC ACTIVITY OF PERIPHERAL BLOOD CELLS IN PATIENTS WITH ECZEMA. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 147–151.



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