
  • О. V. Denefil I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • Yu. V. Ziomko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • S. A. Musiienko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



questionnaire, FPI form B, students, war, psychological changes, health


SUMMARY. The article presents research materials on changes in the psychological characteristics of students during the war.

The aim – to investigate changes in the psychological characteristics of students of the 4th-5th year of the medical faculty one week and one year after the start of the war according to the FPI form B test.

Material and Methods.  30 men and 30 women who are IV–V year students of the I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, aged 20–22 years. The first survey was conducted on March 3, the second on February 24, 2023. The psychological examination was carried out with the help of the Freiburg personality questionnaire FPI form B. Before the start of each test, the subjects were informed about the conditions of its conduct and the methods that will be used, they were given guarantees of non-disclosure of the received information, which corresponds to the principles of informed consent.

Results. According to the obtained studies, it was found that during the second questionnaire, compared to the first, women had significantly lower values in the scales: spontaneous aggressiveness (by 18.0 %), depression (by 15.1 %), shyness (by 24.9 %), openness (by 20.2 %) and emotional lability (by 16.8 %). Instead, sociability (by 92.2 %), equanimity (by 27.9 %) and masculinity (by 31.6 %) increased significantly during the second questionnaire. Analyzing the results obtained in men, we found that during second the questionnaire, compared to the first, there were significantly lower values of the scales: neuroticism (by 20.9 %), irritability (by 33.1 %), spontaneous aggressiveness (by 22.2 %), reactive aggressiveness (by 29.4%). Instead, equanimity (by 6.8 %) and openness (by 34.5 %). increased significantly during the second questionnaire.

Conclusions. Results of psychological research of students on 03.03.2022 and 24.02.2023, showed that young people returned all their usual protective mechanisms, adapted and restored psychological resources. The psycho-emotional state of students stabilized. Consequently, the war triggered the resistance stage of the general adaptive stress syndrome, in which the nervous system was able to develop sufficient resources to cope with the stress.


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How to Cite

Denefil О. V., Ziomko, Y. V., & Musiienko, S. A. (2023). CHANGES IN THE PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH OF SENIOR STUDENTS DURING THE YEAR OF FULL-SCALE WAR IN UKRAINE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 61–66.



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