nervous system, fire massage, polyneuritis, radiculopathy, honey massage, sciatic nerveAbstract
SUMMARY. Unconventional types of massage in neurological practice is a method of rehabilitation therapy. Nontraditional types of massage are widely used in treatment after traumatic conditions, vascular and infectious lesions of the central nervous system.
The aim – to develop methods and preventive treatment of the central nervous system by combining classical and non-traditional types of massage.
Material and Methods. Analysis of literature sources on the problem of central nervous system diseases and the use of massage in diseases of the central nervous system, a study of 150 patients with various diseases of the central nervous system by means of massage.
Results. The study shows that the use of non-traditional types of massage as auxiliary or enhancing classical massage has a better effect on the human body. During the experiment, a combination of classical and fire massage gave the best results, with 28 % of patients giving rave reviews. After the fire massage procedure, it became easier to move, it was noted that the effect of heat lasted for a long time, muscle strength increased, and the volume of arbitrary movements increased. Therapeutic rehabilitation massage with bread – 20 %, vacuum massage – 14 %, and rebozo massage – 11 %, honey massage – 9 %.
Conclusions. Non-traditional massage methods are a valuable experience of ancient medicine. It is requires a new rethinking from the scientific, moral, ethical, social and biological perspectives.
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