small school, physical culture, test trials, rural schoolAbstract
SUMMARY. An important task for the development of education in Ukraine in the 21st century. is the creation of an effective system of education and upbringing of young people. Today, education in Ukraine faces many problems, one of which is the preservation and reorganization of understaffed schools. Today, the concept of "small school" is an integrative one, which covers a variety of general education institutions that differ in terms of activities, operating conditions, the number of students studying in them, national and social composition, and territorial location. According to the definition of encyclopedic sources, a small-class school is a school without parallel classes, with a small contingent of students, where, as a rule, students of two, three or four classes are combined into one class-set. One teacher works with a set class.
The aim – to improve the process of educational activity of students in physical education lessons in a small rural school.
Material and Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, study of documentary materials and pedagogical observation.
Results. During the research, we developed and implemented a program of physical education lessons in classes-sets using individual and differentiated training. The organizational conditions for the effectiveness of physical education lessons in set classes have been determined, namely: increasing the motor activity of younger students by actively renewing the motor experience of older students; observance of didactic principles of physical education in the educational process; ensuring the organic unity of the motivational and practical components of the learning outcome; differentiated selection of means and methods of teaching physical exercises based on taking into account the motivation, motor abilities and physical fitness of schoolchildren; an individual approach to planning physical exercises, organizing activities and dosage of physical activity; ensuring a system of control and evaluation of the educational achievements of students in physical education lessons.
Conclusions. It has been proven that the use of individual and differentiated training of students' physical exercises in set classes allows more effective implementation of the task of improving students' physical qualities.
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