
  • P. M. Vorontsov State institution “M. I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • F. S. Leontjeva State institution “M. I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • V. O. Tuljakov State institution “M. I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • O. V. Shevtsova State institution “M. I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”



alloimplant, defect, modeling, regeneration, cytokine’ matrix cell protein


SUMMARY. Cytokines and matrix cell proteins play an important role in the regulation of bone tissue healing.

The aim – based on the analysis of cytokines and matrix cell proteins in the blood of laboratory rats, to evaluate the course of metabolic processes after filling the defect in the metaphysis of the femur with allogeneic bone implants.

Material and Methods. A model of creating a transcortical defect of critical size in the femur metaphysis of white rats was used. The content of interleukin-1, interleukin-6, transforming growth factor-β, osteocalcin and osteopontin in blood serum was studied.

Results. In rats with allo-implants, the concentration of interleukin-1 increased on the 28th day, with a decrease, unlike animals with an unfilled defect, on the 90th day.

Rats with alloimplants had more transforming growth factor-β and osteocalcin and less osteopontin in serum than rats with an unfilled defect.

In rats with allo-implants, the level of osteocalcin in blood serum gradually increased, and in rats with an unfilled defect, it increased on the 28th day and then decreased. The content of transforming growth factor-β was characterized by a peak on the 28th day and a decrease on the 90th day.

Older animals had higher levels of interleukin-1 and osteopontin.

Conclusions. When the defect was filled with an alloimplant, biochemical signs of faster bone tissue remodeling were noted than in rats with an unfilled defect.

Rats with an unfilled defect have a longer development of inflammation than rats with allo-implants. In rats with allo-implants, on day 90, inflammatory markers normalized, while in rats with an unfilled defect, they remained at a high level.

A more active inflammatory process and a lower calcification rate were recorded in 12-month-old rats than in 3-month-old rats, with higher serum levels of interleukin-1 and osteopontin.

Research results showed the need for additional stimulation of the regenerative process in bone tissue.


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How to Cite

Vorontsov, P. M., Leontjeva, F. S., Tuljakov, V. O., & Shevtsova, O. V. (2023). CYTOKINES AND MATRIX CELL PROTEINS IN THE BLOOD OF RATS OF DIFFERENT AGES AFTER FILLING OF THE DEFECT IN THE METAPHYSIS OF THE FEMUR BONE WITH ALOGENEOUS BONE IMPLANTS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 38–47.



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