
  • I. I. Sapizhak State institution "Institute of Otolaryngology named after Professor O. S. Kolomiichenko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
  • A. V. Rud State institution "Institute of Otolaryngology named after Professor O. S. Kolomiichenko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"



developmental disabilities, external ear, middle ear, curls, classification, prosthesis


SUMMARY. The work provides an overview of scientific sources related to congenital malformations of the external ear, which include changes in the size, position, structure of the auricle, etc.

The aim – to investigate the mechanism of formation of malformations of the external ear, their classification and methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Material and Methods. The work uses bibliographic and analytical methods of searching and analyzing scientific information obtained from available scientific publications.

Results. Congenital malformations can be complex and diverse, and considerable attention is paid to their unification. The article describes typical hump defects, combined defects, their classification by severity and localization. A wide range of clinical and instrumental research methods used to diagnose hearing defects, as well as methods of treating ear defects, are covered.

Conclusions. Defects in the development of the organ of hearing are a complex pathology that requires careful attention and a highly qualified doctor. Treatment of patients with this pathology is complex, multi-stage and expensive. Implant prosthetics can provide patients with full hearing.


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How to Cite

Sapizhak, I. I., & Rud, A. V. (2023). CONGENITAL DEFECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGAN OF HEARING. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 11–20.



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