
  • N. O. Davybida I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical university
  • V. O. Yakovlev I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical university



age periods, physical development, younger, middle, older age, anthropometric data, physical qualities


SUMMARY. Distance learning is an integral part of the education of medical students in emergency situations. It requires structured planning, well-developed special teaching methods. ND provides physical and psychosocial protection that can sustain and save life. Teachers use various programs and platforms, conduct classes with presentation materials and adapt their courses to a distance format.

The aim – to analyze the scientific data available on the Internet regarding the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning for medical students during emergency situations.

Material and Methods. Materials available in Internet sources on the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning for medical students during emergency situations were analyzed.

Results. The INEE minimum standards confirm that ED aims to address several vital objectives, including the provision of a safe learning environment. The key components of the TN system have been determined, in particular the TN environment with the necessary means of communication, a base of educational materials, monitoring and evaluation tools. Morris E. and Farrell A. (2020) argue that EC offers benefits that are critical to the well-being of children, youth and educators. Numerous studies show that the transition from face-to-face to online learning is very difficult, especially for the most vulnerable students and those affected by emergencies.

Conclusions. The essence of modern education in higher education institutions is to ensure the use of Internet resources, multimedia learning tools, and other electronic educational platforms. The main disadvantages of TN are: access to digital resources, heavy strain on vision; teachers' moral burden, lack of socialization and inability to master practical skills.


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How to Cite

Davybida, N. O., & Yakovlev, V. O. (2023). ANATOMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUNGER, MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 6–10.



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