FPI Questionnaire, Form B, students, war, Ukraine, abroadAbstract
SUMMARY. The article presents research materials on the difference in the psychological characteristics of students during the war depending on their departure abroad and permanent residence in Ukraine.
The aim – to investigate the difference in psychological characteristics of students of the medical faculty who were abroad and did not leave Ukraine since the beginning of the war.
Material and Мethods. Examination of 36 men and 60 women, students of I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, who went abroad and remained in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, aged 17–24. The psychological examination was carried out with the help of the Freiburger personality questionnaire FPI form B. Before the start of each test, the subjects were informed about the conditions of its conduct and the methods that will be used, they were given guarantees of non-disclosure of the received information, which corresponds to the principles of informed consent.
Results. According to the obtained studies, it was found that women who went abroad, in contrast to those who remained in Ukraine during the questionnaire, had significantly higher values in the scales: depression, emotional lability and femininity. Analyzing the obtained data for men, we found that those who went abroad had higher indicators on the scales of irritability, openness, emotional lability, and masculinity. The difference in the number of persons with high and low values of indicators on various scales was revealed, which indicated a better adaptation of women who permanently lived in Ukraine, in contrast to men and women who went abroad.
Conclusions. The results of psychological studies of students who went and did not go abroad showed that young people adapted much better to new living conditions while staying in their native country. Female students adapted better than male students.
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