
  • M. A. Hulii «UBI» Medical Center, Kyiv
  • V. S. Soloviova «UBI» Medical Center, Kyiv



mine explosive injury, post-traumatic stress, complex assessment of a condition of an organism, typical pathological processes (TPP), bioregulatory correction, personalized rehabilitation interventions


SUMMARY. Under the conditions of combat operations in Ukraine, there has been a significant increase of injured with mine explosive injury, both among the servicemen and the civilian population. A lethal high-energy weapon with an extra powerful explosive wave, used by an aggressor, causes serious post-traumatic stress disorders.

A mine explosive injury is often combined, accompanied by damage of 2–3 anatomical areas. This type of injury is the dominant fighting pathology and the main cause of military losses [4, 30].

The consequences of mine explosive injuries are not only serious damage to various organs and body systems, but also the development of anxiety, asthenic, dysphoric, somatoform syndromes, as manifestations of post-traumatic stress. According to the data of national researchers (L. V. Radetskaya, 2020), when studying psychological changes of servicemen who were injured, it was established that the signs of post-traumatic stress response are found in 38.8 % of cases [8].

The aim – to describe a clinical case of rehabilitation of a soldier with a mine-explosive injury, which presents personalized patient rehabilitation tactics based on based on the complex assessment of the patient’s health.

Material and Methods. The basis of the work was the technology of complex regulatory therapy of conditions, which involves assessing the state of the body with the determination of the main typical pathological processes (hereinafter –TPP): inflammation, endogenous intoxication, immune, metabolic, energy disorders, vegetative dysregulation and bioregulatory correction of detected disorders.

Results. Against the background of the rehabilitation interventions, a decrease in the intensity of the inflammation, absence of endogenous intoxication, and normalization of indicators of nonspecific immunological reactivity, energy metabolism, and vegetative regulation were achieved. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation interventions was also carried out according to functional tests and scales. Thus, the short-term goals were achieved.

Conclusions. A comprehensive individual assessment of the patient’s health made it possible to influence the polymorphism of clinical symptoms due to a mine-explosive injury, overcome the symptoms of PTSD, provide effective support for the organism and improve the quality of life.


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How to Cite

Hulii, M. A., & Soloviova, V. S. (2023). PERSONALIZED REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR A PATIENT WITH A MINE EXPLOSIVE INJURY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 90–100.



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