experimental wound, lower extremity, venous badAbstract
SUMMARY. The aim – to investigate the peculiarities of the remodeling of the venous bed of the lower extremity at of experimental wounds in conditions of venous hypertension.
Material and Methods. The venous bad of the lower extremity of 45 white rats, which were divided into 3 groups, was studied. The 1 control group – 15 intact animals, the 2nd – 15 rats with a 10-day simulated wound of the hind limb and venous hypertension, the 3rd – 15 animals with a similar 14-day wound. Animals were euthanized by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia. The outer and inner diameters of venous vessels, the thickness of their walls, the height of endotheliocytes, the diameter of their nuclei, the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio in these cells, and the relative volume of damaged endotheliocytes were determined on micropreparations of the lower limb. Quantitative values were processed statistically.
Results. It was established that the simulated pathology led to a pronounced structural rearrangement of the veins of the lower limbs of the experimental animals. An increase in the outer and inner diameters of the veins was found in the simulated pathology. a decrease in the thickness of their walls, a violation of cellular structural homeostasis in endotheliocytes, an increase in the relative volumes of damaged endotheliocytes, congestion of venous vessels, a violation of venous drainage, dystrophic, necrobiotic, infiltrative, and sclerotic processes in the studied limb, which dominated on the 14th day of the experiment.
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