aorta, occlusion, full blood, ischemiaAbstract
SUMMARY. Disorders of cerebral blood circulation belong to fairly frequent diseases, and their clinical manifestations require long-term restorative treatment with an unpredictable effect. However, cardiovascular changes leading to the development of acute ischemic damage to the brain make up about half of all pathogenetic options for the course of cerebral blood flow disorders. At the same time, it is known that acute disorders of cerebral blood flow are also registered during surgical treatment of occlusive lesions of the aorto-femoral segment. Therefore, experimental establishment of the nature and dynamics of morphological changes in brain tissues in various disorders of central hemodynamics can help prevent negative consequences and improve the results of treatment of obliterating diseases of the main vessels.
The aim – to study the dynamics of cerebral blood vessel remodeling under the influence of experimental stenosis of the abdominal aorta caudal part in rats.
Material and Methods. The material for the study was 36 white sexually mature rats, of which 6 were the control group, the other 30 animals underwent narrowing of the abdominal aorta. For histological examination, pieces of tissue were taken from different parts of the brain and paraffin sections were made. A morphometric assessment of the branches of the cerebral arteries was carried out by determining the thickness of the muscle layer, the Vogenvoort index, and the arteriolo-venular index.
Results. According to the results of the research, it was established that dosed narrowing of the abdominal aorta leads to the emergence of a whole complex of morphological signs that indicate significant changes in intra-organ blood flow in the vessels of the brain under simulated experimental pathology.
Conclusions. Vasodilatation of medium-sized vessels with simultaneous vasoconstriction of small arteries was noted as the primary reaction of cerebral vessels with stenosis of the lower abdominal aorta in rats, which in the long term was replaced by partial recovery of the morphofunctional state of cerebral blood vessels.
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