
  • T. О. Vorontsova I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • M. D. Protsailo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. M. Hnatyo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • О. M. Protsailo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



conscript, flat feet, scoliosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis


SUMMARY. According to the results of the orthopedic pathology examination of conscripts in our region, 78.9 % were recognized as suitable for military service in seven years. The largest number of deviations from the norm was found on the side of the spine (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, defects of the chest) and lower limbs (flat feet, developmental defects). The number of young people of draft age decreased by 45.9 %.

The aim – to study the state of health of the young population of conscript age for the purpose of timely diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention of orthopedic pathology.

Material and Methods. Monitoring of 250,532 examination results of conscripts in our region for the detection of orthopedic pathology was carried out over seven years: from 2012 to 2018.

Article 62 provides for detection of limb shortening due to angular deformations after improperly fused fractures, defects of the feet and hands. Objective, subjective, clinical, X-ray, morphometric and other data (CT, MRI, ultrasound) must be taken into account when assessing the suitability of conscripts for military service.

Article 64. The condition of the spine and its diseases are evaluated. Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, osteochondrosis, lesions of intervertebral discs, and other dorsopathies. Pathological changes in the spine were confirmed by functional radiographs and other modern studies (CT, MRI). The degree of scoliosis was assessed according to the Lippam-Cobb method.

Results. 78.9 % were recognized as fit for military service, 18.9 % were deemed fit for military service, 18.9 % were fit for military service, and 2 % were fit for military service. 2 % of those surveyed received a temporary deferment from military service.

 The largest number of deviations from the norm was found on the side of the spine and lower limbs (Table 2).
A detailed analysis of these ailments during 7 years of observation showed that foot diseases had a significant advantage in 2012–2014, in the following years there was no significant difference (Table 3). Thus, in 2012, foot pathology was 52.0 % (26,170), spine – 42.4 % (21,331). According to Article 62, static deformations of the feet prevailed – flat feet (42.8 %), arthrosis – 6 %, arthropathies – less than 1 %.

Conclusions. The number of young people of conscription age is decreasing uncontrollably – by 45.9 % in seven years (2012–2018).

78.9 % were recognized as fit for military service, 18.9 % as unfit in peacetime, 18.9 % as unfit in peacetime, 2 % as unfit.

The largest number of deviations from the norm concerned the lower limbs - flat feet, foot deformities, arthrosis.

The second place was occupied by diseases of the spine - scoliosis, kyphosis, osteochondrosis, osteochondropathy, deformations of the chest with disorders of the function of external breathing.

 Formation of a healthy lifestyle, education of healthy, comprehensively developed young citizens is the key to a strong army and national security of the state.


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How to Cite

Vorontsova T. О., Protsailo, M. D., Hnatyo, N. M., & Protsailo О. M. (2023). STRUCTURE OF ORTHOPEDIC PATHOLOGY OF PERSONS OF CONSCRIPT AGE IN TERNOPIL REGION . Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 68–73.



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