
  • S. N. Vadzyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. O. Huk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




higher heat sensitivity, lower heat sensitivity, global warming, central hemodynamics, peripheral hemodynamics


SUMMARY. One of the most urgent threats to humanity is global climate change on the planet. A universal indicator of the adaptive capacity of the human body to this change is the functional state of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is important to assess the state of the circulatory system in order to establish mechanisms that ensure high thermal resistance.

The aim – to establish the peculiarities of central and peripheral hemodynamics in people with different heat sensitivity.

Material and Methods. Assessment of central and peripheral blood circulation in pre-established groups of persons with higher and lower heat sensitivity was carried out with the help of the computer complex "Reokom" (NTC HAI-Medyka, Kharkiv, Ukraine) before and after short-term heat exposure.

Results. In the group of people with lower heat sensitivity in the initial state, hypokinetic type of blood circulation was established in 20 % of examinees, eukinetic type in 77 %, and hyperkinetic type in only 3 %. Among the examinees with higher heat sensitivity, the majority of people have a hyperkinetic type of blood circulation (52 %), and the rest have a eukinetic type (48 %). Short-term heat exposure in the group of people with higher heat sensitivity led to a tendency to increase the minute blood volume and cardiac output against the background of a decrease in peripheral resistance. In the group of people with lower thermal sensitivity after short-term exposure to heat, the following was established: all indicators of central hemodynamics slightly decreased, and the total peripheral resistance did not change significantly. In subjects with a higher sensitivity to the heat factor, changes in peripheral hemodynamics in the initial state are characterized by an increase in arterial blood filling of the studied areas and lower vascular tone, compared to individuals with a lower sensitivity to the heat factor. After short-term heat, they have a lower tone and higher elasticity of vessels of medium and small caliber, as well as increased arterial blood filling of the upper extremities. In the group of people with lower heat sensitivity, no significant difference between the indicators of peripheral hemodynamics after short-term heat exposure, compared to the initial data, was established.

Conclusions. The established features of central and peripheral hemodynamics in people with higher and lower heat sensitivity indicate that the cardiovascular system of people with lower sensitivity to the heat factor is characterized by high stability and economy of functioning, regardless of the increase in the average annual temperature of the environment. And in people with higher heat sensitivity, as a result of high energy consumption and tension of the blood circulation system, adaptation processes will sooner fail in the conditions of global warming.


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How to Cite

Vadzyuk, S. N., & Huk, V. O. (2023). FEATURES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IN PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT HEAT SENSITIVITY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 44–52. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2023.v.i1.13719



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