
  • R. S. Butov Ivan Ohiienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University
  • Yu. A. Mykhalska Ivan Ohiienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University
  • Yu. A. Lontkovskiy Medical centre “MEDLON”, Kamianets-Podilskyi
  • N. V. Mushket Center for physical recovery “Kineziolog”, Kamianets-Podilskyi



physical therapy, spine, health, pain, function


SUMMARY. The aim – to increase the effectiveness of physical therapy of patients/clients who have had herniated disk in lumbosacral surgery.

Material and Methods. 5 patients/clients have undergo the physical therapy program. In order to achieve objective data the following methods of research were used: theoretical, Renkin scale, Bartel index, Beck depression scale.

Results. Degenerative, destructive spine diseases are group of chronic illnesses which are characterized by progressive changes of herniated disks, joints, ligamentous apparatus and bone tissue of spine. Degenerative, destructive spine diseases in more than 30 % of cases lead to temporary losing of working capacity and take the first place in the rate of primary disability causes in group of vertebral diseases. Using of conservative treatment methods of herniated disk in lumbosacral in major cases is not effective. That is why surgery is used for such group of patients. Although, the main aim of surgery is decompression of cerebrospinal nerve. Operation does not lead to elimination of degenerative spine changes.

Received results show that physical therapy program helps to restore patients/clients functional abilities and changes their lives for better in general. Proposed program may be used in the system of physical therapy of patients/clients after herniated disk in lumbosacral surgery in the conditions of specialized rehabilitation centre.

Conclusions. The results of research prove the effectiveness of physical therapy for patients/clients after herniated disk in lumbosacral surgery.


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How to Cite

Butov, R. S., Mykhalska, Y. A., Lontkovskiy, Y. A., & Mushket, N. V. (2023). PHYSICAL THERAPY AFTER SURGICAL TREATMENT OF HERNIATED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC IN THE LUMBAR-SACRAL SPINE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 38–43.



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