physical therapy, muscle hypotonia, orthoses, muscle tone, physical exercisesAbstract
SUMMARY. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of physical therapy in children under 3 years of age with muscle hypotonia. It was investigated that the main features of physical therapy in children under 3 years of age with muscle hypotonia are that physical therapy should necessarily include wearing orthoses at night to slow the progression of ankle contractures, hydrotherapy and swimming, and regular stretching in this article.
The aim – to consider the theoretical aspects of studying the peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment of children with muscle hypotension, as well as to investigate the peculiarities of physical therapy and rehabilitation of 3-year-old children with muscle hypotension.
Material and Methods. With the help of Internet search databases, a bibliographic review of information sources and analysis of materials regarding the peculiarities of the rehabilitation process of children under 3 years of age with hypotonia of muscles was carried out.
Results. As a result of a bibliographic review of literary sources, it was established that the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation of children under 3 years of age with muscle hypotonia is determined by the secondary consequences of this disease, the main of which is scoliosis. Physical rehabilitation of children under 3 years of age with muscle hypotonia is provoked by pathological or physiological reasons. In the normal state of the body, muscle tone is regulated by the interaction of the spinal cord, cerebral cortex, subcortical nodes, cerebellum, and the receptors of the muscles themselves. Together, these structures work in balance, which leads to the regulation of muscle tone. Physical therapy in children with hypotonia of muscles is used with the help of the following methods: tonic – pearl baths, showers, thalassotherapy; sedatives – electrosonotherapy, nitrogen and needle baths; irritating free nerve endings – local darsonvalization, turpentine and sage baths; myostimulating – electromyostimulation, pulse magnetic therapy; neurostimulating – medicinal electrophoresis of anticholinesterase drugs, bioregulated electrostimulation, neuroelectrostimulation; lympho-draining – vibrotherapy of segmental-reflex zones; hypocoagulable – sodium chloride baths, low-frequency magnetic therapy; vasodilators – ultratonotherapy, medicinal electrophoresis of vasodilators, local barotherapy; trophostimulating – amplipulsotherapy, diadynamotherapy, mesodiencephalic modulation, transcranial electroanalgesia, medium-wave UFO in suberyhemic doses, local darsonvalization, thalassotherapy, air baths, showers, low-frequency magnetic therapy; enzyme-stimulating – ultraphonophoresis of metabolic stimulators, medicated electrophoresis of metabolic stimulators, infrared laser therapy, infrared irradiation, underwater shower-massage, aromatic and oxygen baths.
Conclusions. The need for physical therapy in children under 3 years of age with muscle hypotension is due to the secondary consequences of this disease, the main of which is scoliosis.
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