chronic pancreatitis, H. Pylori-associated chronic gastritis, cellular immunity, humoral immunity, complex treatment program, vitamin complex of dexpanthenol and methylmethionineAbstract
SUMMARY. Despite the significant progress in the study of pathology of pancreatic gland (PG), immunological processes in the development and course of PG diseases remain insufficiently studied and substantiated.
The aim – to study of the state and immune system parameters dynamics in the comorbidity of chronic pancreatitis with H. Pylori-associated chronic gastritis under the influence of the proposed complex treatment programs.
Material and Methods. 117 outpatients with CP in comorbidity with chronic gastritis (CG) associated with H. Pylori were examined after the treatment in the gastroenterology department. For further research, the patients were divided into two groups: group I included 58 (49.6 %) patients with CP with H. Pylori-associated CG, who received conventional complex treatment (CCT); group II included 59 (50.4 %) patients who received generally accepted clinical treatment with the addition of doctovit, which is a synergistic combination of dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) and methylmethionine (vitamin U)) 2 tablets per day after meals for 2 months. All patients had parameters of cellular and humoral immunity determined before and after treatment.
Results. Higher dynamics of cellular immunity indicators were established in the group with the inclusion of doctovit (CD3 – by 11.6 %, CD16 – by 8.3 %, CD4 – by 7.2 %, CD8 – by 19.3 %), a decrease in CIC – by 5.2 %, a decrease in all indicators of the humoral link of immunity, an increase in the complement indicator – by 19.4 %. The inclusion of a vitamin complex of dexpanthenol and methylmethionine in the generally accepted complex treatment of patients with CP in comorbidity with CG associated with H. Pylori contributed to a more statistically significant regression of the signs of the inflammatory reaction, a reduction in the manifestations of immune deficiency and activation of nonspecific immunity in comparison with that in the group of patients who received a generally accepted treatment complex (p<0.05).
Conclusion. The obtained results proved the higher efficiency and expediency of using a synergistic combination of dexpanthenol and methylmethionine (doctovit) in the complex treatment of patients with CP in comorbidity with CG associated with H. Pylori.
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