migrants, mental disorders, treatment, rehabilitation, preventionAbstract
SUMMARY. The full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine led to radical societal, social and psychological transformations in Ukrainian society. One of the most important public, social and psychological phenomena associated with war is forced migration.
In this connection, the study of the peculiarities of the structure and nature of psychopathological symptoms in forced migrants becomes especially relevant.
The aim – to study the structure and features of psychopathological symptoms in forced migrants who left Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine.
Material and Methods. In the online mode, we clinically examined 265 women who were forced to leave the territory of Ukraine as a result of hostilities after February 24, 2022, and who left for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The average age of migrants was 31.8±9.4 years. The examination was organized by the method of a semi-structured clinical interview and was conducted remotely in the mode of an online video conference using technical means and computer platforms that provided constant two-way video and audio communication. During the examination, elucidation and detailing of complaints from the psycho-emotional sphere was carried out, the psychopathological manifestations present in the examinees, the peculiarities of their occurrence and pathodynamics were identified and verified.
Results. Among the forced migrants, various forms of mental pathology of the non-psychotic register turned out to be widespread. Based on the results of the research, we proposed a scheme of complex treatment and rehabilitation of migrants suffering from mental disorders.
Conclusions. The identified patterns of psychopathological symptoms should be taken into account when developing treatment and rehabilitation and preventive measures for forced migrants and internally displaced persons.
Ukrainian Refugee Situation / United Nations Organization Bulletin. June, 2022. Retrieved from: (data zvernennya – date of application 25.06.2022).
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