postresection portal hypertension, colon, morphometryAbstract
SUMMARY. Removal of large volumes of liver parenchyma often leads to postresection portal hypertension, which is complicated by hypertension, plethora and morphological reorganization of the portal hepatic vein, damage to their structures, changes in the colon in these pathological conditions are insufficiently studied.
The aim – to study the features of remodeling of colon structures in postresection portal hypertension morphometrically.
Material and Methods. The structures of the colon of 67 white male rats, which were divided into 3 groups, were morphometrically studied. The 1-st group consisted of 20 intact animals, the 2-nd – 30 rats with postresection portal hypertension, the 3-rd – 17 animals with postresection portal hypertension and multiorgan failure. Euthanasia of experimental animals was performed by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia 30 days after the start of the experiment. Histological micropreparations were made from the colon, which were used to determine the thickness of the mucous, muscular, serous membranes of the colon, submucosal layer, submucosal mucosa, musculoskeletal indices, relative volume of epitheliocytes, microvessels, capillary epithelium epitheliocytes, the diameter of their nuclei, nuclear-cytoplasmic relations in these cells, the relative volume of damaged epitheliocytes. Quantitative indicators were processed statistically.
Results. Postresection portal hypertension was complicated by severe remodeling of colon structures, which was characterized by venous plethora, uneven, disproportionate changes in morphometric parameters of the membranes, the relationship between them, decreased capillary-epitheliocyte relations, stromal structures, foci of infiltration, sclerosis with their dominance in the development of multiorgan failure.
Conclusions. Postresection portal hypertension leads to severe remodemation of colon structures, which was characterized by venous plethora, uneven, disproportionate changes in the morphometric parameters of its membranes, the relationship between them, a decrease in capillary-epithelial disorders, disturbance of epithelial cells, miocytes, stromal structures, foci of infiltration, sclerosis. Structural changes in a large intestine at a combination of a postresection portal hypertension with multiorgan insufficiency dominate.
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