adhesive capsulitis, visual analog scale, distension injection, glucocorticoidsAbstract
SUMMARY. Among the diseases of the shoulder joint "adhesive capsulitis" is the pathology that is most often discussed among orthopedic traumatologists. The diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis is based on history and clinical symptoms. There is still no consensus on the choice of the optimal method of treatment.
The aim – to study the effectiveness of distensional intra-articular and subacromial injections of prolonged glucocorticoids under sonographic control in patients with adhesive capsulitis. Objective of the study – to evaluate and compare the results of these treatments to reduce pain and improve range of motion in the shoulder joint.
Material and Methods. The study included 47 patients with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint aged 40 to 60 years, with a non-traumatic rigidity of more than 2.5 months, limited active and passive movements > 30 ° in two or more planes. Patients were divided into two groups: "A" and "B". Group A – 23 (48.93 %) patients who were administered glucocorticoids in the subacromial bursa under ultrasound control. Group B – 24 (51.07 %) patients to whom glucocorticoids were administered intra-articularly. During treatment, glucocorticoids were administered twice, with an interval of 14 days.
Results. The results obtained in patients of both groups showed a reduction in pain and improved range of motion in the shoulder joints. However, in group "B" treatment rates were better. Thus, the average rates of night pain decreased for VASH in group "B" by 45.5 % compared to group "A", and the average improvement in external rotation in the shoulder by 17 %.
Conclusions. Intra-articular distension injections have been shown to be more effective in reducing pain and increasing range of motion, especially external rotation of the shoulder joint.
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