
  • I. V. Liskina State organization “F. G. Yanovsky National institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology NAMS of Ukraine”
  • O. O. Melnyk State organization “F. G. Yanovsky National institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology NAMS of Ukraine”
  • L. M. Zahaba State organization “F. G. Yanovsky National institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology NAMS of Ukraine”
  • S. D. Kuzovkova State organization “F. G. Yanovsky National institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology NAMS of Ukraine”
  • A. F. Hrenchuk State organization “F. G. Yanovsky National institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology NAMS of Ukraine”



solitary pulmonary nodule, inflammatory process, diagnostics


SUMMARY. In daily clinical practice, doctors are faced with incidental radiographic findings of solitary and multiple pulmonary nodules, which can be both benign and malignant. It is important to have clearly defined algorithms for the diagnostics, treatment and follow-up of these nodules of various etiologies. In modern researches, insufficient attention is paid to inflammatory solitary nodules, in particular, possibilities of their diagnostics and management.

The aim – to determine clinical and anatomical features, and etiology of solitary pulmonary nodules of an inflammatory nature.

Material and Methods. The research group consisted of patients with solitary pulmonary nodules of an inflammatory genesis, which were in the clinic of the State organization "F. G. Yanovsky National institute of phthisiology and pulmonology NAMS of Ukraine" over a five-year period, totally 107 cases. All patients had the number of pulmonary lesions that did not exceed three; their maximum size was ≤ 3 cm.

Results. Pulmonary nodules of an inflammatory genesis were represented most often by only one formation (78.5 % of patients). In most cases, the localization of nodules was in the right lung – 56.6 %, namely in its upper and lower lobes – 39.0 % and 44.2 % of cases, respectively. The size of the nodules was within 11–20 mm in 45.2 % and the round shape in 54.8 % of cases.

When radiological detection or confirmation of the presence of pulmonary nodules was carried out in 77.6 % of cases, operative interventions were immediately done with a morphological examination of the tissue of the formations.

More often, nodules were of an infectious nature, among them tuberculomas accounted for 29.9 %.

At the time of hospitalization, 74.8 % of patients with solitary pulmonary lesions of inflammatory etiology did not have a previous clinical diagnosis, in 15.9 % of cases it was necessary to carry out differential diagnosis, and only in 9.3 % of cases, the etiology of the disease was established. As a result of the performed diagnostic and therapeutic measures, the etiology of the nodules was established in 91.6 % of cases, in 3.7 % of cases there remained the need for further differential diagnosis, and in 4.7 % of cases the nature of the nodules was not established.

Conclusion. As a result of a complex examination and a series of medical and diagnostic procedures, the etiology of solitary pulmonary nodules of an inflammatory nature was established in 91.6 % of cases. And only in 4.7 % of patients the nature of the pulmonary lesions was not established.


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How to Cite

Liskina, I. V., Melnyk, O. O., Zahaba, L. M., Kuzovkova, S. D., & Hrenchuk, A. F. (2023). SOLITARY FOCAL PULMONARY LESIONS OF INFLAMMATORY GENESIS: DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 116–125.



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