mechanical skin damage, skeletal trauma, blood loss, liver, reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase activityAbstract
SUMMARY. Disruption of lipid peroxidation and depletion of antioxidant defenses is one of the key pathogenic mechanisms of traumatic illness. Among the indicators of antioxidant protection is the glutathione antiperoxidase system (GAPS), which is involved in the neutralization of free radicals and endotoxins. However, the role of mechanical damage to the skin in the systemic manifestations of severe trauma has not been studied enough. Under these conditions, there is virtually no data on the dynamics of GAPS as a key factor in antioxidant protection of the body.
The aim – to determine the effect of mechanical damage to the skin on the performance of liver GAPS in skeletal trauma complicated by acute blood loss, and the effectiveness of PRP therapy.
Material and Methods. The experiments used 186 nonlinear white male rats weighing 180–200 g, which were divided into five groups: control and four experimental. The control group included intact animals that had just been anesthetized. In experimental group 1 the animals were simulated mechanical damage to the skin, in experimental group 2 simulated skeletal trauma complicated by acute blood loss, in experimental group 3 these injuries were combined. In the experimental group, 4 animals with combined trauma were treated with PRP therapy using platelet-enriched allogeneic plasma. After 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of the post-traumatic period in the liver of experimental animals was determined the content of reduced glutathione (VG) and glutathione peroxidase activity (GP activity).
Results. Under the influence of simulated injuries in animals of the experimental groups compared to the control observed a statistically significant decrease in the content of HCV and GP activity in the liver. The dynamics of the studied parameters was wavy with the first decrease after 3 days and the second, but with a smaller amplitude – after 21 days. At all times of observation, there was a natural increase in violations of the content of VG and GP activity in the liver from isolated skin injury to skeletal injury complicated by acute blood loss, and to combined injury. As a result of the use of PRP-therapy there was a decrease in violations of the studied indicators. The content of VG in the liver under conditions of combined trauma compared with injured animals without correction became significantly higher starting from 21 days of the experiment, and GP activity of the liver – after 7, 21 and 28 days.
Conclusions. Infliction of mechanical damage to the skin causes a significant decrease in the liver content of VG and GP activity and significantly exacerbates these disorders in combination with skeletal trauma complicated by acute blood loss. Against this background, the use of platelet-enriched allogeneic plasma compared to injured animals without correction contributes to a significant reduction in the detected disorders.
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