
  • Yu. О. Hrubar I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • M. Yu. Grubar Communal non-profit enterprise "Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital" of Ternopil Regional Council



shoulder joint, rotating shoulder cuff, adhesive capsulitis, long biceps tendon damage, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation


SUMMARY. Shoulder pain is on the third place of the most common pathology cases which cause application to the primaly care. The variety of forms of the pathology causes difficulties with clinical diagnosis, indications for instrumental methods of examination, interpretation of the results and the choice of treatment mathods, especially in primary care.

The aim – to evaluate the results of clinical and diagnostic examinations that determining the soft tissue pathology of the shoulder joint. Objectives of the study – to develop an algorithm of actions of a general practitioner of family medicine in the diagnosis of pathology of periarticular tissues of the shoulder joint.

Material and Methods. In the orthopedic and traumatology department of the «Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital» TOR for the period from 2013 to 2021 conducted examination and treatment of 362 patients with pathology of the periarticular tissues of the shoulder joint. Pathology of the rotator cuff of the shoulder was found in 138 (38.12 %) patients, adhesive capsulitis in 92 (25.42 %) patients; Calcifying shoulder tendinitis was found in 74 (20.44 %) patients, and biceps tendonitis in 23 (6.36 %) patients. Another pathology of the shoulder joint was found in 35 (9.67 %) patients.

Conclusions. Examination of the patient with pathology of the periarticular tissues of the shoulder joint should be based on the following algorithm: careful collection of anamnesis; detailed study of patient complaints; analysis of the causes of pain; analysis of the causes of motor disorders. Examination of such patients should be performed carefully, it is also should be comparable to the use of specific provocative tests.


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How to Cite

Hrubar Y. О., & Grubar, M. Y. (2022). PAIN SYNDROME AND FICTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE SHOULDER JOINT IN THE PRACTICE OF A FAMILY DOCTOR. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 68–75.



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