idiopathic infertility, rheumatoid arthritis, oxidative stress, malonic dialdehyde, antioxidant activityAbstract
SUMMARY. According to modern ideas, the development of pathological processes in the body, in particular related to infertility, is accompanied by a violation of the mechanisms of antioxidant protection of cells. Hyperproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is found in many pathological conditions, both related to the reproductive system and not directly related to it. Excessive ROS production, is thought, to be caused by an imbalance between prooxidants and the antioxidant system and causes damage to the sperm membrane, chromosome DNA, and initiates sperm apoptosis that leading to infertility.
The aim – to study of the functional state of the pro- / antioxidant system in the seminal fluid and serum of infertile men with concomitant pathology.
Material and Methods. The studies were performed on the serum and seminal fluid of infertile men aged 22–48 years with diagnosed idiopathic infertility (n=23) and rheumatoid arthritis (n=22). The control group consisted of 27 men of the same age. The ejaculate was analyzed according to WHO recommendations (2010). Determination of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) concentration was performed based on its interaction with 2-thiobarbituric acid. The state of the antioxidant system of semen and blood serum was concluded based on determining the total antioxidant activity by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a commercial test system manufactured by Elabscience (ELISA, USA).
Results. It was found that in patients with autoimmune pathology, the concentration of MDA in the serum exceeded the control group by 2.25 times, and in idiopathic infertility – by 2.16 times. In semen, the content of MDA in men with infertility due to autoimmune pathology is likely to exceed 4 times the control values. In patients with idiopathic infertility, the content of MDA in the seminal fluid was within normal limits. Against the background of intensification of lipid peroxidation processes, the overall antioxidant activity decreases. At autoimmune pathology it decreases in 8.1 times.
Conclusion. Oxidative stress is one of the immunopathogenetic mechanisms of development of male infertility against the background of autoimmune pathology and idiopathic infertility.
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