
  • O. A. Hryhorieva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • M. S. Shcherbakov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • O. A. Apt Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • A. O. Svitlytskyi Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • Yu. Yu. Abrosimov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • O. V. Artiukh Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • A. V. Cherniavskyi Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • M. B. Vovchenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University



medical education, competence, interdisciplinary connections


SUMMARY. The acceleration of the socio-economic development of mankind dictates the need for changes in the training of specialists in any field. The medical branch is no exception, which must provide high quality education to graduates of higher education, which is possible only on the basis of a new conceptual framework using a competency-based approach.

Competence as possession of competency is manifested in effective activity and includes a personal attitude to the subject and product of activity; Competence is an integrative formation of a person, integrating knowledge, skills, abilities, experience.

The formation of the competencies of the future doctor is the main condition for the preparation of educational and work programs for disciplines that should become the basis of the professional worldview of health care worker. This is especially true for fundamental disciplines, based on which medical thinking and understanding of the content of clinical disciplines are formed.

The ability of future doctors to analyze and synthesize begins with the study of basic inextricably linked biomedical disciplines: normal and pathological anatomy, histology, normal and pathological physiology. But the study of these subjects is impossible, in turn, without basic scientific knowledge in mathematics, physics, geometry and even philosophy.

Conclusions. Due to interdisciplinary connections, future doctors form the main competencies in the form of four types of experience:

– experience of cognitive activity – in the form of knowledge;

– experience of creative activity – in the form of the ability to make effective decisions;

– experience in the implementation of emotional-valuable relations – in the form of personal orientations;

– experience in implementing known methods of activity – through the ability to follow the example.


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How to Cite

Hryhorieva, O. A., Shcherbakov, M. S., Apt, O. A., Svitlytskyi, A. O., Abrosimov, Y. Y., Artiukh, O. V., … Vovchenko, M. B. (2022). INTERDISCIPLINARY RELATIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF MEDICAL EDUCATION AS A BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES OF THE FUTURE DOCTOR. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 200–203.



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