nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, COVID-19, kallistatinAbstract
SUMMARY. Kallistatin is a member of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and may have therapeutic potential to prevent a number of diseases, including cardiometabolic disorders, vascular damage, arthritis, cancer, renal fibrosis and liver fibrosis.
The aim – to investigate changes in serum kallistatin levels in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients with obesity and renal damage infected with COVID-19.
Material and Methods. 72 patients with NAFLD and obesity were examined. The patients were divided into two groups: the 1st group included 34 patients with NAFLD and insulin resistance (IR); the 2nd group consisted of 38 patients with NAFLD and diabetes mellitus (DM) of the 2nd type. All examined patients underwent general clinical examination, as well as determination of serum kallistatin level.
Results. At the time of hospital admission for COVID-19 infection in both NAFLD and obese patients the serum callistatin level was initially decreased (by 2.0 and 2.2 times respectively in group 1 and group 2 patients compared to the control group – 26.78±0.22 ng/ml (p<0.01)). The acute respiratory disease caused by COVID-19 promoted the decrease of callistatin level by 2.97±0.03 ng/ml in group 1 patients (p<0.05) and by 3.99±0.02 ng/ml in group 2 patients (p<0.01) on the 10th day of illness.
Conclusions. COVID-19 infection in NAFLD and obese patients leads to the formation of kidney damage, which is more pronounced in type 2 DM patients. The reduction of serum kallistatin levels was found in NAFLD and obese patients, with maximum deviation from normal values in type 2 DM patients (decrease up to 12.07±0.08 ng/ml versus the norm 26.78±0.22 ng/ml - p<0.01). With progressing of liver and kidneys functional disorders in NAFLD patients against the background of COVID-19 infection, changes of serum kallistatin level increased, namely its decrease up to 10.15±0.11 ng/ml and 8.08±0.06 ng/ml respectively (p<0.05).
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