
  • T. P. Nikolaienko-Kamyshova Dnipro State Medical University



continuing professional education, advanced courses, modern recommendations, portfolio


SUMMARY. The provision of medical care to the population requires the necessary qualifications of medical personnel. This should be accompanied by continuous improvement of the knowledge provided to doctors at the faculties of postgraduate education of higher medical educational institutions. Acquaintance with domestic clinical guidelines and international clinical protocols during the course of thematic improvement and simulation trainings with their subsequent application in medical practice allows you to improve your professionalism.

When compiling a portfolio – as a report, clinical experience, the success of training, the effectiveness of assimilation of information, and determining the quality of paperwork are analyzed. Improving the system of scientific and methodological approaches to the development of educational models and pedagogical technologies requires an appropriate level of training from teachers of clinical departments, their scientific and medical activities will contribute to the improvement of diagnostic and treatment algorithms.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the educational process, an analysis was made of the impact of improvement cycles and the level of self-assessment of general practitioners of family medicine in the process of continuous professional education. According to the results of a survey of 37 doctors who took thematic improvement courses "Hematological aspects in the practice of a general practitioner of family medicine" – 14 people, training with practical skills "Clinical and hematological screening of laboratory parameters in the practice of a general practitioner" – 10 people, a course of thematic improvement + training with mastering practical skills – 13 people. The motivation for taking the courses was: getting points – 5 people (13 %), interest – 7 people (20 %), interest and getting points – 25 people (67 %).

Improvement of knowledge (absolute increase in self-assessment of the level of mastery in %) – was estimated in group 1 – 20 %, group 2 – 50 %, 3 – 35 %. All respondents considered it necessary to conduct courses and trainings. Wishes were expressed about the advisability of consistently conducting thematic improvement courses and trainings with the development of practical skills, connecting and systematizing knowledge to ICPC skills, gerontology problems, motivational counseling, palliative care. The following were considered as advantages in conducting courses: training in small groups, practical - applied aspect, application of modern teaching methods, cultural and educational level of teachers. The relationship between BDP and assessment of professional merit based on portfolio data is the most objective and effective. State and public organizations should provide an opportunity for medical workers to receive modern knowledge to ensure the provision of a decent level of medical care to the population.


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How to Cite

Nikolaienko-Kamyshova, T. P. (2022). REGARDING THE PROBLEM OF CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS-FAMILY MEDICINE . Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 101–104.



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