tobacco smoke, sodium nitrite, rats of different ages, antioxidant system, mildronateAbstract
SUMMARY. In everyday life a person is exposed to several toxic factors, which leads to general poisoning of the body. Bad habits also play a significant role in the development of pathology - smoking, alcohol abuse and medication. Recently, drugs that can exhibit antioxidant properties have been used to correct metabolic disorders in conditions of general toxicosis.
The aim – to study the state of the antioxidant system of rats of different ages under the conditions of simultaneous poisoning by tobacco smoke and sodium nitrite and to investigate the effectiveness of the use of mildronate under these conditions.
Material and Methods. The experiments were performed on white male rats of different ages that were exposed to tobacco smoke for 45 days and received sodium nitrite 24 hours and 72 hours before the end of the study. Mildronate was administered 120 mg / kg body weight to one group of rats due to toxicant poisoning. Animals were removed from the experiment on the 30th and 45th day of tobacco intoxication (and after 24 and 72 hours of sodium nitrite poisoning).
Results. Decreased superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, as well as the content of reduced glutathione in the serum and liver of rats under conditions of nitrite-tobacco toxicosis. Against the background of a decrease in these indicators, there was an increase in the content of ceruloplasmin in the serum of animals of all ages. The use of mildronate led to the normalization of the studied parameters in rats affected by toxicants.
Conclusions. The most sensitive to the effects of tobacco smoke and sodium nitrite were immature rats, in which the activity of the antioxidant system in the affected conditions was the lowest. Mildronate used by us led to the restoration of the antioxidant system, which indicates the feasibility of further study in various pathological conditions.
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