



dry eye syndrome, age, gender


SUMMARY. The dry eye syndrome is considered to be one of the most widespread ophthalmic pathologies worldwide, which occurs in patients of various age groups and has characteristic symptoms and features. These complaints are most frequent among patients that visit ophthalmologists. That is why, specific ocular surface analyzers are also used in order to further specify the diagnosis.

The aim – to determine gender and age characteristics of patients with dry eye syndrome using the retrospective analysis of medical records of patients treated in a number of ophthalmological clinics of Ukraine.

Material and Methods. We processed medical records of 783 adult patients diagnosed with dry eye syndrome, which contained information about the results of the check-up performed with the Ladrydiag ocular surface analyzer over the period of 2019–2021. To establish the age range peculiarities, the authors used the current age group classification, approved by WHO and UNO. The obtained results were processed using the statistical method: for all indicators the arithmetic mean (M) and the arithmetic mean error (m) were determined.

Results. The age of dry eye syndrome patients of both genders ranged from 18 to 82 years (mean age – 43.82± 13.95 years). The male group was composed of 246 patients (from 18 to 81 years of age, mean age – 43.82±13.95 years) and the female group included 537 patients (from 19 to 82 years of age, mean age – 45.39±13.94 years). The most numerous of the male groups was the young age group (53.66 %) and of female groups – the middle age group (37.99 %). 45 patients of the studied group had instrumentally confirmed DES, which makes up 5.75 %. Among male patients this index is 6.91 % and among female patients it is 5.21 %.

Conclusions. The article analyzed the gender and age composition of dry eye syndrome patients treated by ophthalmologists over the period from 2019 to 2021. The received results confirm the worldwide tendency of female prevalence among patients with this pathology.


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How to Cite

Tomashevska, Y. O., Kryvovyaz, O. V., & Kryvovyaz, S. O. (2022). DRY EYE SYNDROME: AGE AND GENDER COMPOSITION AMONG THE OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PATIENTS IN UKRAINE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 148–152. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2022.v.i2.12962



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