interns, students, psychiatric care, internally displaced persons, combat veteransAbstract
Introduction. The large ground Russian invasion of Ukraine has made it necessary to improve the skills of specialists, train new qualified personnel, develop programs and methodological tools to provide quality and affordable mental health care for people affected by hostilities.
Objective: to improve the training programs for psychiatric interns and students, taking into account martial law and the need to provide psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs), military personnel of Armed Forces of Ukraine and people who have experienced traumatic events.
Materials and methods. During the study, we interviewed 537 people, including 379 internally displaced persons and 158 representatives of military personnel of Armed Forces of Ukraine. To conduct research and optimize the results we used psychometric scales, psychopathological, pathodiagnostic, clinical diagnostic, bibliographic method and the method of structural and logical analysis. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach.
Results. During the survey of internally displaced persons and combatants, we found a significant need for mental health care. There is a need to improve the training programs of interns in the specialty "Psychiatry", as prognostically, this problem will become relevant and widespread every year. These implementation include all the necessary skills to work with this target group of people and can serve as an example for improving the educational program for students studying at the department.
Conclusions. The implemented program and conducted examinations actively promote the development of clinical thinking of the future doctor, provide the necessary knowledge, algorithms of action, train to act quickly in a critical situation and provide quality psychiatric care to IDPs and military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Such topics as Acute stress reaction, adaptation disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder are particularly relevant for studying students that’s why it is important to increase amount of hours of educational program “Psychiatry and narcology” in order to add them.
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