
  • О. О. Nikitina Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv
  • N. I. Dzhurenko M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • S. P. Мashkovska M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • S. M. Мarchyshyn I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



Actaea racemosa, resources, pharmaceutical market, climacteric disorders, perspective


SUMMARY. Given the growing need for comprehensive research on the development and standardization of domestic herbal remedies for the treatment of menopausal disorders, it is advisable to draw the attention of domestic scientists to the clopogon kitich (Actaea racemose L.), which contains valuable biologically sctive substances – extragens.

The aim – to analyze the herbal remedies and dietary supplements available on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, which include A. racemose, to outline the prospects of its cultivation and une in domestic pharmacy.

Material and Methods. The analysis of the pharmaceutical market was carried out using the method of systemic generalization on the based of information screening of materials of the State Register of Medicines, the Register of Medicines of the information retrieval system Compendium online, the catalog of the online store of dietary supplements.

Results. Neurovegetative disorders during menopause and menopausal disorders are a priority for the use of clopogon kitich. The analysis of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine showed that the range is dominated by solid forms of both herbal remedies (66.7 %) and dietary supplements (77.05 %) containing A. racemosa. The results of the analysis show a significant import of herbal products containing A. racemosa from Western Europe, while the largest number of names of dietary supplements are registered by US manufacturers (96.77 %). Domrstic herbal remedies are represented in small quantities – only 16.67 %. However, the temperate climate and shady terrain typical of the forest-steppe regions of Ukraitine from favorable conditions for growing and providing the resource base of Actaea racemosa L. raw materials for the production of domestic herbal remedies and supplements based on it.

Conclusions. The creation of means of a plant origin and dietary supplements of domestic production on the basis of clopogon kitich is objectively promising, which provides for the feasibility of comprehensive research on its cultivation, in-depth study and standardization of raw materials.


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How to Cite

Nikitina О. О., Dzhurenko, N. I., Мashkovska S. P., & Мarchyshyn S. M. (2022). CLOPOGON KITICH (ACTAEA RACEMOSA L.) – A PROMISING SPECIES FOR PHARMACY IN UKRAINE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 140–146.



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