chronic pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes, endogenous metabolic intoxication, average mass molecules, Integral hematological indexes of intoxicationAbstract
SUMMARY. The article presents the results of the study of indicators of metabolic endogenous intoxication (mEI) – average mass molecules (AMM) and their correlation with integral hematological indexes of intoxication (iHII), their dynamics are researched on the background of the proposed scheme of small-volume infusion detoxification therapy (SVIDT) with hyperosmolar balanced crystalloid (HBC) ) during the period of 10 days with control of 3, 5 and 10 days.
The aim – to evaluate the therapeutic effect of MOIT on the severity of mEI syndrome in patients with HP in comorbidity with DM-2.
Material and Methods. 115 patients formed in 5 groups: 1st group – 20 patients without complaints from the gastrointestinal tract, 2nd group – 30 patients with HP, 3rd group – 20 patients with HP with concomitant DM-2, which received protocol therapy, 4th and 5th group – patients with HP with accompanying DM-2, of which 21 patients received protocol therapy with the inclusion of the course of MOIT for 3 days, and 24 patients – the MOIT course of 5 days.
The concentration of pools AMM -λ-254, AMM -λ-280, reactive response of the body to intoxication and severity of inflammation were determined. The statistical processing of the received data was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Statistica 13.0.
Results. A positive therapeutic effect on the dynamics of the level of mEI and iHII markers in patients with DM-2 is proved, which indicates a positive effect of the MOIT inclusion scheme in the program of integrated treatment. A clear dependence of the rate of normalization of defined indicators on the duration of the course of the MOIT is revealed.
Conclusions. 1. The statistically significant increase in objective mEI objective markers in patients with HP with concomitant DM-2 in comparison with such in isolation HP (p<0.05) was revealed.
- A medium strength correlation between MEI and IGi markers was determined, which objectively relies on the dynamics of IGi in assessing the effectiveness of therapy.
- A higher level of efficiency in the complex therapy of MOIT-5 is determined compared to the MOIT-3 program.
- It is proved that the normalization of the defined indicators directly correlates with the duration of the course.
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