
  • M. A. Hulii UBI Medical Center, Kyiv
  • V. S. Soloviova UBI Medical Center, Kyiv



community-acquired pneumonia associated with COVID-19, complex assessment of a condition of an organism, typical pathological processes, bioregulatory correction, personalized rehabilitation interventions


SUMMARY. Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 which is caused by SARC-Cov-2 virus, the medical community has been assigned the tasks related not only to providing the qualified medical care but also to rehabilitation interventions during the course of the disease and after the one.

In most cases, mild and even asymptomatic forms of the disease course are observed; moderate manifestations through pneumonia without respiratory failure can be often observed; less often different severity of respiratory failure can be observed and sometimes the course of the disease is complicated by the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). It is the character of the epidemical spread and the heterogeneous disease clinical picture which indicate the significant role of a body functional condition level in the development of this pathology. Therefore, the timely usage of nonspecific methods including physical modalities correcting typical pathological processes, such as inflammation, endogenous intoxication, metabolic disorders, energy balance, immune defense, can prevent the development of complications.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the disease pathogenesis and the variety of clinical forms, the routine usage of generally accepted schemes is often ineffective. And the effectiveness of the methods applied directly depends on the early beginning of rehabilitation interventions including the complex assessment of a patientʼs condition.

Own clinical experience of supervising the geriatric patient with community-acquired pneumonia associated with COVID-19 and the comorbid pathology on the stages of treatment and rehabilitation is presented in this article. This clinical case demonstrated the possibilities, efficiency and safety of the implemented bioregulatory correction personalized algorithm as well as the individual rehabilitation program based on the complex assessment of the patientʼs health.


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How to Cite

Hulii, M. A., & Soloviova, V. S. (2022). ADVANTAGES OF THE BIORREGULATORY APPROACH IN THE TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION OF COVID-19 PATIENTS. CLINICAL EXPERIENCE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 64–73.



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