Ruffier test, medical and pedagogical control, functional reserve of the heartAbstract
SUMMARY. The article presents the results of assessing the level of the functional heart reserve of schoolchildren from 7 to 17 years old using the Ruffier Test as the main component of medical and pedagogical control.
The aim – to determine and assess the level of the functional reserve of the heart of children from 7 to 17 years old using the Ruffier test and the subsequent assessment of the health state of individuals who have a functional reserve of the heart below average.
Material and Methods. The study involved 82 children, 43 of them were boys (52 %) and 39 were girls (48 %), who met the following criteria: age from 7 to 17 years, state of somatic well-being. All children underwent general clinical examinations, the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system were determined using the Ruffier test, with following dividing into the groups according to the periods of childhood (junior, middle and senior school age). Statistical analysis of the research results was carried out using Microsoft Excel and the SPSS 22.0 statistical analysis package.
Results and Discussion. The research was carried out in several stages. At the initial stage, it was found that a significant number of children in different age groups have a functional heart reserve below average, namely – 42.6 % among children of primary school age, 39 % – of middle school age, 26.6 % – of senior school age. The mean values of the Ruffier test in the three age groups did not differ significantly (p=0.085). It was also noted that there was no influence of indicators of the biological age and sex of patients on the results of disorders in their state of health, according to the assessment of the functional reserve of the heart. Subsequent assessment of children with low Ruffier test rates revealed that 15.2 % of children had abnormalities in health.
Conclusion: It has been confirmed that the Ruffier test and the assessment of the functional reserve of the heart of school-age children are an affordable and effective tool in the practice of family doctors, allowing to identify deviations in the state of health.
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