
  • O. H. Boichuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • U. S. Dorofeieva Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



infertility, advanced maternal age, hormonal status, PRP therapy


SUMMARY. The frequency of infertile marriages in Ukraine ranges from 15 to 25 % of all couples, exceeding the critical level of 15 %, indicated by a group of WHO experts, when infertility is a factor that significantly affects demographic indicators in the country and is a state problem. Infertility in marriage is one of the most pressing problems of modern society and modern medicine, despite the progress made in the widespread use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). The issue of starting a family and motherhood is sometimes postponed until it becomes extremely difficult for a couple to conceive a child on their own. With age, there is a deterioration in physical health and reduced reproductive function.

The aim – to research of the main parameters of the functional condition of the reproductive system in women of advanced maternal age.

Material and Methods. 66 women of late reproductive age were monitored. Of these, 36 patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility in women with low ovarian reserve, who were shown the use of ART programs – formed the main group and by simple randomization this group was divided depending on the treatment regimen and proposed the use of PRP-therapy (activation of folliculogenesis).

 Evaluation of reproductive system function was performed by determining such hormonal parameters as prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T), cortisone (K) estradiol (E2), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and antimullerian hormone (A early follicular phase, except for progesterone (P), which was determined in the luteal phase.

Statistical processing of research results was performed on a personal computer using parametric and nonparametric methods of variation statistics using the application software "Statistica".

Results. Analysis of hormonal indicators of the reproductive system revealed statistically significant differences between the average FSH, AMG, LH, PRL, progesterone and estradiol in women of the main and control groups, which is explained primarily by the presence of disorders of the reproductive system in patients of the main group. which is characteristic of the clinical course of infertility in women of late reproductive age with low ovarian reserve.

Conclusions. The study showed that patients with low ovarian reserve who underwent PRP therapy had a better ovarian response and oocyte quality, and therefore the results of assisted reproductive technologies were successful. This issue is important for women of older reproductive age, as depletion of the ovulatory reserve reduces the likelihood of having children.


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How to Cite

Boichuk, O. H., & Dorofeieva, U. S. (2022). FUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN WOMEN OF ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 51–55.



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