quality of life, urate nephrolithiasis comorbid with metabolic syndrome, SF-36 questionnaireAbstract
SUMMARY. The study of quality of life is a topical issue and integral problem of monitoring patients with urate nephrolithiasis (UN) and for its effective and safe treatment. In patients with UN, the main stone-forming substance is uric acid, and in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS), the level of hyperuricemia and hyperuricuria increases. Metaphylaxis of UN, supplemented in the complex treatment of MS, will increase the effectiveness of conventional anti-relapse treatment of UN and eliminate the recurrence of stone formation. In this regard, the activity of bioflavonoid quertin is of great interest.
The aim – to evaluate the quality of life in patients with UN comorbid with MS using the SF-36 questionnaire.
Material and Methods. The study included 65 patients who suffered from UN and UN comorbid with MS. The mean age of patients was 54.94±1.07 years. Patients (n=21) of the control group received traditional therapy. In the comparison group, patients (n=21) received traditional therapy and conventional drugs that correct metabolic disorders. In the main group, patients (n=23) received basic therapy against the background of quertin. The patients’ quality of life was evaluated using the SF-36 questionnaire at the beginning of the study and after 3-6 months on the following scales: physical functioning (PF), role physical (RP), bodily pain (BP), general health (GH), vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role emotional (RE), mental health (MH).
Results. In the main group patients, the level of mental health scale (MH) decreased more significantly than that of physical functioning (PF) in contrast to the control group patients. The PF scale decreased slightly in the main group patients in contrast to patients of the comparison group. Treatment with quertin and basic therapy of patients in the main group significantly increased the MH and PF levels.
Conclusions. Before treatment, the levels of RE, MH and PF decreased in patients of the comparison group and main groups, which indicated an increase in metabolic disorders. The levels of RP, SF, BP, and GH also decreased in patients of the main group. After the basic therapy against the background of quertin, the levels of MH, RE, SF, GH, BP, RP, and PF increased the most significantly, which testifies to the improvement of treatment efficiency and reduction of the recurrence rate of stone formation.
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