
  • I. B. Samura Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • I. F. Belenichev Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • O. V. Tikhonovsky Zaporizhzhia State Medical University



pharmacology, higher education, foreign students, pharmacology, higher education, foreign students, English language of instruction


SUMMARY. Qualitative mastery of knowledge, skills, practical skills and competencies in pharmacology by students of the specialty "Medicine" is a complex problem of great importance.

The aim – to highlight the main features of teaching the discipline "Pharmacology" to foreign students majoring in "Medicine" in groups with English as the language of instruction and offer recommendations for the organization of the educational process.

The Main Part. The article highlights the main features and measures to improve the methodology of teaching the course "Pharmacology", offers recommendations for optimizing the organization of the educational process in groups with English as the language of instruction. The authors note the features of acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the process of teaching pharmacology to foreign students, as well as give methods to increase students’ cognitive interest in learning. The factors proving the need for the introduction and systematic application of the most effective technologies, strategies and methods of teaching pharmacology, including solving situational and creative problems, preparing presentations, writing digests, compiling a dictionary of basic terms are analyzed. In particular, the factors proving the need for the introduction and systemic use of interactive teaching methods in the educational process, discussion of complex, unresolved scientific problems of pharmacology, a dynamically developing science, as well as its interaction with modern medical sciences are discussed. Lecture attendance, early repetition, prioritization in the educational process, studying in small groups, working on mistakes, and rational use of time are noted among the factors influencing high academic achievement.

Conclusion. To increase the effectiveness of training foreign students, lecturers should reduce the language barrier; strive to carry out the educational process in such a way as to increase the motivation of future masters of medicine for the need to obtain medical knowledge on their own, daily search for new information, formation and further improvement of their professional skill. Active methods in training foreign students help to form creative thinking, stimulate their cognitive activity. The use of active forms and teaching methods, in particular, problem solving, "role-playing", preparing presentations, writing digests, compiling a dictionary of the basic terms in pharmacology, analyzing printed, audio and video materials, keeping lecture notes, along with preparing for express-control and semester control, will contribute to a better assimilation of the theoretical basis for further study of clinical disciplines. Performing creative tasks, students communicate effectively, enter into a discussion both among themselves and with their teacher, and quickly exchange information. Such a strategy contributes to the formation of an active and competent participant in the educational process, who will easily adapt in his future professional activities as a physician.


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How to Cite

Samura, I. B., Belenichev, I. F., & Tikhonovsky, O. V. (2022). MODERN CONCEPTS OF TEACHING PHARMACOLOGY TO FOREIGN STUDENTS WITH ENGLISH LANGUAGE OF TEACHING. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 127–132.



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