
  • А. А. Oparin Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • T. M. Oparina Ukrainian Humanities Institute
  • Yu. I. Filonenko Ukrainian Humanities Institute



therapeutic physical culture, physical rehabilitation, recovery, state of health


The authors of the article found that low level of physical fitness leads to an increase in diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

However, in the works of domestic scientists it was noted that physical exercises used in rehabilitation significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the length of stay of the patient in the hospital.

In the study, regular exercise during rehabilitation led to improved health, namely normalization of blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, heart rate, improved mobility and increased energy, back pain disappeared, and metabolism improved by reducing balance. It was found that exercise therapy can be used as the main method of treatment or as an auxiliary component. It has been found that therapeutic physical culture is an effective and universal means of influencing the human body for the purpose of recovery and treatment, and its organization has its own substantive and methodological features. Exercise therapy is not only a therapeutic and preventive tool, but also a therapeutic and pedagogical process. The use of exercise therapy educates the patient in a conscious attitude and active participation in the rehabilitation process, which is based on teaching the patient exercise. In this regard, exercise therapy is not only a therapeutic but also a pedagogical process. It was found that the feature of exercise therapy is the process of dosed training during rehabilitation. The author of the article concludes that a set of exercises for each patient should be developed personally so that they directly affect the affected area or organ. It has also been found that the method of exercise depends on the diagnosis and stage of the disease. The volume and intensity of the load is the most important principle in the application of a set of physical exercises. The following levels of intensity are determined: low, moderate, large and maximum. Low-intensity exercise has been shown to include movements of small muscle groups, performed at a slow pace, and with minimal physiological changes. Movements performed by large and medium muscles at a slow and medium pace are classified as moderate power exercises.


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How to Cite

Oparin А. А., Oparina, T. M., & Filonenko, Y. I. (2021). THERAPEUTIC PHYSICAL CULTURE AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF PHYSICAL REHABILITATION. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 133–139.



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