chronic coronary syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, adiponectin, resistin, insulin, asymmetric dimethylarginine, C-reactive proteinAbstract
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is considered to be one of the conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome, which significantly worsens the course of chronic coronary syndrome (CCS).
The aim – to study the levels of adipocytokines, markers of systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction and their relationship with the clinical course of ACS, comorbid with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Material and Methods. The prospective monocenter double open study in parallel groups involved 120 patients with CCS: stable angina pectoris II-III functional class aged 60.0 (55.0; 64.0) years, of whom 67 (55 %) men and 53 (45 %) women. The control selected group included 30 healthy individuals aged 59.0 (58.0; 66.0) years, including 14 (46 %) men and 16 (54 %) women. Determination of the serum concentration of biomarkers (adiponectin, resistin, insulin, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), C-reactive protein) was performed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results. In patients with CCS combined with NAFLD, the derived levels of biomarkers significantly (p <0.05) differed from the control selected group: the concentration of resistin was 48 % higher, adiponectin 60 % lower; there was an increase in the content of CRP (by 8.9 times) and ADMA (by 42 %). In patients with CCS without liver pathology, the levels of adiponectin and resistin did not significantly exceed those in healthy individuals, but there were significantly higher levels of CRP (by 3.1 times) and ADMA (by 30 %). In patients with CCS combined with NAFLD, if compared to patients with CCS without structural and functional pathology of the liver, a significant (p<0.05) decrease in adiponectin level by 31.6 %, an increase in resistin level by 27 %, ADMA level by 21 % and CRP level by 2.81 times was observed. In patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the activity of systemic inflammation was significantly higher if compared to patients with steatosis, which was confirmed by an increase in CRP concentration by 44 % (p <0.05). The identified correlations reflect the existing relationship between the functional state of the liver and metabolic, neurohumoral disorders.
Conclusions. In patients with CCS associated with NAFLD, there is an imbalance of adipocytokines (decrease in adiponectin concentration, increase in resistin levels and decrease in the ratio of adiponectin to resistin) compared with the control selected group and in patients with CCS without liver pathology. Significant increases in serum levels of ADMA and CRP indicate the presence of endothelial dysfunction on the background of activation of systemic inflammation and may indicate the pathogenetic significance of these markers in the development and progression of CCS on the background of NAFLD.
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