hypoxic-ischemic brain lesions, cardiac surgery, oxidative modification of proteinsAbstract
The role of free radical oxidation of blood proteins in the mechanisms of development of hypoxic-ischemic lesions (SMI) of the brain (GM) and in the effectiveness of the blood-encephalic barrier (HEB) depends on endothelial cells, astrocytes and pericytes, dysfunction of which causes dysfunction. due to oxidation of protein fragments.
The aim – to study the peculiarities of oxidation of protein fragments of cells and nucleic acids in patients with hypoxic-ischemic lesions before and after cardiac surgery using artificial circulation.
Material and Methods. The results of examination of 38 patients with hypoxic-ischemic brain lesions after cardiac surgery; diagnosis of neurological status were performed according to clinical protocols. ) reactions at the preoperative (3–5 days) and postoperative (5–7 days) stages. The content of protein components in the serum – 2,4 – dinitrophenylhydrozones (DNFG) was studied.
Results. Spontaneous OMB at the stages of CKD is characterized by significant (p <0.001) changes in the accumulation of both aldehyde and carbonyl products, as well as in changes in the degree (depth) of protein destruction. In the induced OMB reactions revealed an increase (from (0.303 ± 0.007) USD / mg protein to (0.396 ± 0.003 USD / mg protein) degree (depth) of protein destruction due to protein fragments of medium size and a significant increase in specific weight of fragments of small size, which is the most informative sign of the impact on the metabolic reserves of OMB in patients.
Conclusions. At the stages of cardiac surgery, the preconditions are formed that contribute to the intensification of the OMB process of blood plasma and OMNC. The peculiarity of changes in the state of OMNC and OMB is the most pronounced increase in their content in the postoperative period against the background of relative growth of aldehyde and carbonyl oxidation products with redistribution of the degree (depth) of ODB in spontaneous and especially induced reactions. The above indicates an increase in the manifestations of destruction and intensification of OMB with the simultaneous accumulation of oxidation reserves of protein fragments of blood plasma in the postoperative period.
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