crush-syndrome, endogenous intoxication, ratsAbstract
The development of generalized toxemia is one of the key links in the development of the pathogenesis of crush-syndrome.
The aim – to study the dynamics of changes in the indicators of endogenous intoxication in the blood and heart of white laboratory rats under the conditions of crush-syndrome.
Material and Methods. The research was performed on 68 white laboratory rats weighing 240–270 grams, which were divided into the following groups: 1 – intact animals (14 individuals); 2 – 1st day of observation (14 individuals); 3 – 3rd day of observation (12 individuals); 4th – 7th day of observation (16 individuals) and 5 – 14th day of observation (12 individuals). Euthanasia of rats was performed by bloodletting under conditions of thiopental anesthesia after 1, 3, 7 and 14 days of the research. Blood toxicity was assessed by erythrocyte intoxication index and the content of middle-mass molecules. Concentrations of malonic dialdehyde were determined in the homogenate of heart and blood tissue. Quantitative indicators were processed statistically.
Results. During the research it was established that under the conditions of experimental crush syndrome the indicators of endogenous intoxication increase. The content of MSM increased after 24 hours of observation and reached maximum values after three days, followed by a decrease after 7 and 14 days. The erythrocyte intoxication index increased 2.7 times from the first day of the study and remained at the same level after three days, followed by a decrease after 7 and 14 days. When comparing the dynamics of changes in malonic aldehyde in blood and heart tissue, it was found that they acquire maximum values in the early postcompression period with a predominance in heart tissue after 24 hours, and three days before the end of the experiment this figure was higher in blood serum.
Conclusions. In the postcompression period of crush syndrome develops endotoxicosis, which confirms a significant increase in the content of MSM and EII in the period between the first and third days of the experiment with a maximum on the third day, which corresponds to the early postcompression period. Compression injury of muscles under the conditions of crush syndrome leads to activation of peroxide oxidation of lipids which marker is increase in level of MDA in blood serum, tissue and heart.
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