perfusion index, photoplethysmography, diabetic foot syndrome, pulse oximetryAbstract
The article presents the features of the volume of peripheral capillary circulation in neuropathic, neuroischemic and ischemic forms of diabetic foot syndrome, which is determined by photoplethysmography during pulse oximetry and the possibility of their use for rapid diagnosis of these forms along with conventional techniques.
The aim – to study the features of perfusion index by photoplethysmographic method using a pulse oximeter on the periphery of the lower extremities in patients with various forms of diabetic foot syndrome in order to further their diagnostic use in medical practice.
Material and Methods. The results of the study in 89 people, of which 15 are the control group and 74 patients with various forms of VTS, in which purulent-necrotic complications of the lower extremities corresponding to III-V degrees of Meggit-Wagner lesions were analyzed. The neuropathic form was diagnosed in 38, which is – (51.4 %), neuroischemic – in 30 (40.5 %), ischemic – in 6 (8.1 %) of all patients. Assessment of arterial blood status in the lower extremities was determined by pulse oximetry by non-invasive photoplasmic method using a RocSea instrument.
Results. The research method tested by us in this work allows the use of widely used in the recent period and easily accessible method for determining PI for rapid differential diagnosis of patients with various forms of complicated diabetic foot syndrome in type 2 diabetes mellitus and their subsequent application in practice, which will opportunity to choose one or another pathogenetic approach to the choice of tactics for further surgical and medical treatment.
Conclusions. Pulse oximetry is a simple, affordable and cheapest method of rapid diagnosis of peripheral circulatory disorders in various forms of VTS, which indirectly reflects the state of peripheral blood circulation in the foot and can be used for rapid objectivity of further treatment tactics of each patient pathogenetic approach to surgical and medical correction of complications of diabetic foot syndrome at the stages of treatment.
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