
  • S. H. Kotiuzhynska Odesa National Medical University
  • I. P. Shmakova Odesa National Medical University
  • L. V. Goncharova Odesa National Medical University




distance learning, medical education, competence-based approach, distance technologies


The question of the use of distance learning in medical schools remains controversial. On the one hand, the advantages of distance education are the possibility of teaching a large number of students at once and, based on the competence-based approach in the training of doctors, provides for a new role for the student in the educational process: from a passive consumer of knowledge, he should become their active creator, able to think critically, plan his independent work, show initiative, formulate problems and find solutions, including in non-standard situations. On the other hand, mastering practical skills, which are the main component in the training of future health workers, is impossible in this way.

The aim – analysis of the possibilities and prospects of using distance learning in medical education.

Main part. The peculiarities of modern medical education is an increase in the percentage of students' independent work in the learning process, the widespread use of their interactive forms. In-depth study of thematic material dictates the need for the use of modern electronic technologies, allowing the student to provide full and free access to a large amount of reference data, monitoring changes in the content of the material in accordance with new scientific achievements of the world scale.

The main advantages of distance learning include flexibility, modularity, parallel, long-range action, asynchrony, mass character, cost-effectiveness, sociality, internationality.

The use of distance learning elements along with the traditional form of teaching contributes to the improvement of the professional level of both teachers and students. At the same time, the creative and professional development of the personality of the future doctor takes place. As a result, there is a reorientation of traditional teaching to a fundamentally new level, where the role of the student changes: he becomes an active participant in the educational process.

Conclusions. Thus, the introduction of new innovative approaches with elements of distance learning makes it possible to transfer the learning process to a qualitatively new level, make it more visual, increase the level of students' competence and encourage them to actively participate in the educational process.

It should be noted that the active process of introducing distance learning technologies with the replacement of eye forms is more expedient at the stage of postgraduate education of doctors; in the structure of undergraduate education, this form can serve as an addition to practical and seminars.


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How to Cite

Kotiuzhynska, S. H., Shmakova, I. P., & Goncharova, L. V. (2021). DISTANCE EDUCATION IN MEDICINE: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 147–151. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2021.v.i1.12006



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