myocardium, hypercholesterolemia, experiment, morphologyAbstract
The article analyzes histological and histochemical morphological changes of myocardium in the conditions of experimental hypercholesterolemia in animals of pubertal and mature age. Myocardial remodeling under this condition is associated with hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes in animals of both groups, which combinated with atrophy and necrosis of cells in adult rats as well as with disorganization of the stromal component, which manifested by the varying degrees of accumulation of neutral glycosaminoglycans and acid mucopolysaccharides.
The aim – to find out the peculiarities of the structural changes of the cardiomyocytes and extracellular myocardial matrix in animals of pubertal and mature age under the experimental hypercholesterolemia.
Material and Methods. The studies were conducted on 24 white male rats of pubertal and mature age. Hypercholesterolemia was modeled for 30 days by feeding cholesterol with sunflower oil under suppression of thyroid function with Mercazolilum. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, picrofuxin by van Gizon, iron hematoxylin by Heidenhain, alcyan blue by Steadman, a portion of the histological slices were subjected to PAS reaction.
Results. Increasing of total cholesterol in blood of animals of both age groups was accompanied with morphological changes in the myocardium. Histochemical examination confirms significant manifestations of disorganization of the stromal component of the myocardium under conditions of experimental hypercholesterolemia such as accumulation of neutral glycosaminoglycans and acid mucopolysaccharides. More pronounced manifestations of the myocardial interstitium disorganization were observed in animals of mature age group. Changes of the contractile apparatus of the myocardium were manifested by hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes in animals of both age groups, atrophic and necrotic changes of cardiomyocytes were revealed in mature rats at the same time.
Conclusions. Cardiomyocytes remodeling process in pubertal rats under the experimental hypercholesterolemia has an adaptive direction and is manifested by their hypertrophy, and in adult rats it has alterative character as a manifestation of compensatory processes loss. The interstitial and perivascular edema were main changes of extracellular matrix of myocardium in young animals, and diffuse and perivascular sclerosis was dominated in adult rats.
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