autonomic nervous system, autonomic dysfunction, chronic pancreatitis, methods of studying autonomic status, heart rate variabilityAbstract
The autonomic nervous system ensures the body's adaptation to changes in external and internal environments. In modern conditions, health is seen as the body's ability to adapt to these changes, and illness – as stress and maladaptation. The study of vegetative status at chronic pancreatitis is extremely relevant and informative for the next effective treatment.
The aim – to analyze the feasibility and methods of determining the state of vegetative status of patients with chronic pancreatitis, which are used in outpatient medicine and scientific practice.
Main part. Chronic diseases of the digestive system, in particular chronic pancreatitis, are widespread in the structure of morbidity of internal organs. Involvement of segmental and suprasegmental vegetative structures in the pathological process significantly complicates the course of chronic pancreatitis, therefore determining the state of the autonomic nervous system and subsequent vegetotropic correction is important to improve the treatment of chronic gastrointestinal pathology in general and chronic pancreatitis in particular.
Conclusion. Determining the state of vegetative state, and especially the presence of autonomic dysfunction in chronic pancreatitis should be the basis for a differentiated approach to regulating the state of the autonomic nervous system, which will lead to more efficient and rational optimization of the functional state of the pancreas and normalization of patients.
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