
  • Ye. S. Sirchak Uzhhorod National University
  • V. Ye. Barani Uzhhorod National University
  • Z. Yo. Fabri Uzhhorod National University




chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, dysbiosis, B vitamins


Summary. Intestinal dysbiosis (DB) often occurs in diseases of the digestive tract, in particular in chronic pancreatitis (CP). Clinical manifestation of CP combined with diabetes mellitus (DM) is complicated by indigestion syndrome, hypo- and avitaminosis, dysproteinemia, intoxication.

The aim of the study – to determine the features of B vitamins in patients with CP and DM type 2 in the presence of colon dysbiosis (CDB).

Material and Methods. 82 patients with CP and DM type 2 were examined. All examined patients underwent general clinical studies, feces for dysbiosis, as well as determining the level of vitamin B1, B6, B9, B12 in the blood serum.

Results and Discussion. It was found that 51.2 % of patients with CP and DM have dysbiosis stage III. In patients with CP and DM type 2 were found a decrease the level of vitamin B9, B12 by 3.9-2.8 times and vitamin B6, B1 by 2.6 – 2.0 times (p<0.01) compared with the control group. A strong direct relationship was found between the CDB stage III and the levels of all B vitamins, examined by us. Thus, with the progression of the severity of CDB in patients with CP and DM type 2, determined a decrease of the level of B vitamins with minimal deviation from the control group in CDB of stage I and maximum deviations – in CDB stage III.

Conclusions. All patients with CP and DM type 2 were diagnosed a CDB, and more often it was stage III and II (51.2 % and 31.7 % of those examined, respectively). In patients with CP and DM type 2 were found a decrease in the levels of vitamins B1, B6, B9, B12, which directly depend on the severity of CDB in these patients.


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How to Cite

Sirchak, Y. S., Barani, V. Y., & Fabri, Z. Y. (2021). DISORDERS OF B VITAMINS IN INTESTINAL DYSBIOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC PANCREATITIS AND TYPE 2 DIABETES . Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 146–151. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2020.v.i4.11766



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